Benefits Of David Godfrey’s Dragon ISOTONX Training (DIT)

One of the first and most unique benefits of The Dragon Isotonx training program, is that it is fo for Anybody, Anytime and can be performed Anywhere, making it an incredible flexible fitness program.

DIT, when combined with almost any other training program, has been shown to help produce more muscle strength, general fitness, weight loss and overall health.  Studies have shown that that a 7 second muscle contraction increases your strength by about 5 percent. 

Dragon Isotonx Training (DIT) combines Isometrics & Isotonics to provide a variety of health and fitness benefits, including: 

Strength Improvement and Maintenance: Mayo Research shows that Isometric fitness training helps improve and maintain strength for specific muscle positions without the need for movement. This makes it particularly useful for enhancing stabilization and muscle engagement in targeted areas. 

Prevention and Recovery of Injuries: The research also shows It is beneficial for individuals recovering from injuries or dealing with conditions like arthritis, as it allows for muscle strengthening without putting undue strain on joints. This can lead to reduced pain and improved physical function.

Management of Your Blood Pressure: Isometric trainging research has been shown to effectively lower and control blood pressure, with benefits that are comparable to those of taking antihypertensive medication. This makes it a potentially valuable component of treatment plans for individuals with hypertension.



Anyone! Anytime! Anywhere!

Everyone. Anytime. Anywhere: The safety and efficacy of DIT, especially in terms of cardiovascular responses, has been validated in that same research. The acute increase in blood pressure during DIT is comparable to or lower than that observed with aerobic exercise, making it a safe option for individuals with varying levels of blood pressure .

Healthy Blood Vessels:  The training is linked to enhancements in endothelial function, which is crucial for maintaining vascular health and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Improves Blood Flow: DIT can induce structural adaptations in the vasculature, contributing to improved blood flow and reduced risk of vascular-related health issues.

Fights Cell Damage:  Engaging in IRT reduces oxidative stress, which is basically when your cells are under attack by toxins. This can keep your cells healthy and fend off chronic diseases, by improving the body’s antioxidant defense system. 

Better Heart Rate Control: It can also help your heart and nervous system communicate better, leading to a more steady and healthy heart rate. By modulating the activity of the autonomic nervous system, it contributes to better heart rate variability and overall cardiovascular health.

IMPORTANT! Always check with your health care provider before beginning Dragon Isometric exercises if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems.

Avoid holding your breath and straining during any weight training exercise as this may increase blood pressure.